Monday, June 18, 2012

Wk 17: Exercise + Eating Right = Gaining Weight?! = Epic Meltdown!

Wk 17! Yay I finally look pregnant even without pushing out my tummy! And yes, I have been pushing out my tummy... I've been waiting for the moment where I went from just looking fat to actually looking preggo! =)

Pregnancy is definitely a wild journey to say the least.  I dare say mine has been a pretty mild wild though.  I have not had crazy mood swings or cravings or morning sickness etc.  I will admit I've had a few break downs from time to time about my appearance and weight gain though.  I think a lot of us have this issue.  Especially during the beginning when you don't actually look pregnant... You just look fat.  Its hard to see your body change but have no real proof of a baby in there other than your jeans no longer buttoning.  Advice for my first trimester moms, I have found that it gets much more enjoyable when you have a little belly to show off!  I'm sure I will regret that statement when I am 8 months and feel like shamu though! :D

To combat the emotional roller coaster of my ever changing physique, AND to make the process of bringing this kid into the world a little easier, I've been a stickler about my exercise and eating.  I've been exercising every day, eating very well (meaning paleo of course), and tracking a slow and steady weight gain.  I "cheat" officially once a week but I've found I indulge a little once or twice during the week too.  I track my weight gain by weighing in first thing in the morning on Sundays to make sure everything is progressing as it should.

This week I had a "wonderful" surprise and then an inevitable break down immediately after when I stepped on the scale and found that in a week I had gained 3.2#.  Usually I am about .5-1# each week.  AND after my last doctors appointment the doc said I should probably only gain about two pounds this next month total.  Of course, like all good husbands, mine walked in right at that moment which triggered the water works!  He played the comforting partner role so well, immediately holding me in his arms and threatening to throw away the scale. haha

SIDE NOTE:  I will admit, I am at the age where I still work out and eat right to look good.  I know I know, I'm shallow.  Don't judge me for being in my 20's!  The more I get educated on paleo the more HEALTH actually motivates me, but I still have those ever present motivators of "get your butt to spin class or watch your butt get bigger".  =P  So, when I work out daily, eat beautifully, and gain 3.2# I have a little freak out moment!

BACK TO THE POINT:  Although at the time it was a bit shocking to see the scale go up THAT much in one week, my husband pointed out an amazing fact.... "You are eating perfectly 95% of the time, and you exercise more than most non-pregnant people!  If you are gaining weight while doing all of that it is because your body is thriving!" He also asked why I would listen to my doctor on this one point of only gaining 2#'s when I don't listen to much he has to say on anything else anyways!?  (My next blog will be more about the lovely trends the U.S. has towards treating pregnancy like an illness rather than a natural process of nature.  I've gotten some "interesting" advice thus far that I passionately, but respectively disagree with.  Educate your self Momma!  Don't blindly trust the white coat!)

Thanks to my wonderful dad-to-be my melt down turned into excitement!  My baby is now the size of an avocado and people are actually starting to comment on my belly!  I have yet to play the "I'm not pregnant" joke on someone who mentions it to me though! haha I can't wait! =P

So I'm on my way up the roller coaster hill once again!  I'm sure there will be more downs but eating healthy and exercising makes me feel sane.  I would much rather gain weight on avocado and coconut milk than on McDonalds and Pizza Hut!  My baby brain function will like it more too! =D

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